Section: New Software and Platforms

Scilab and Matlab Toolboxes

Shape optimization toolbox in Scilab

Participant : Grégoire Allaire [correspondant] .

Together with Georgios Michailidis, we improved a Scilab toolbox for 2-d shape and topology optimization by the level set method which was originally produced by Anton Karrman and myself. The routines, a short user's manual and several examples are available on the web page: http://www.cmap.polytechnique.fr/~allaire/levelset_en.html

Conformal mapping method

Participant : Houssem Haddar [correspondant] .

This Scilab toolbox is dedicated to the resolution of inverse 2-D electrostatic problems using the conformal mapping method introduced by Akdumann, Kress and Haddar. The toolbox treats the cases of a simply connected obstacle with Dirichlet, Neumann or impedance boundary conditions or a simply connected inclusion with a constant conductivity. The latest development includes the extension of the method to the inverse scattering problem at low frequencies as introduced by Haddar-Kress (2012).

SAXS Utilities

Participants : Federico Benvenuto [correspondant] , Houssem Haddar.

We developed a scilab and matlab toolboxes that post treat SAXS type measurements to identify size distributions of diluted particles. We treat both axisymmetric measuremenst and anisotropic ones. The toolbox also simulates SAXS measurements associated with some canonical geometries.

Direct Solver for periodic media

Participants : Thi Phong Nguyen [correspondant] , Houssem Haddar.

This Matlab toolbox solves the scattering from locally perturbed periodic layer using Floquet-Bloch transform and spectral discretization of associated volume integral equation.